Security and Blockchain

In the development of technologies such as blockchain, there is internal logic, because they rely on the objective laws of physics and mathematics, but a person can control them and put them at their service. Any attempt to prohibit or stop this movement is doomed to failure.

Security and Blockchain

In the development of technologies such as blockchain, there is internal logic, because they rely on the objective laws of physics and mathematics, but a person can control them and put them at their service. Any attempt to prohibit or stop this movement is doomed to failure. Why fight the objective laws of development, is it not better to try to understand them and benefit from them.

Just think: 30 years ago, in the early 1990s, the most reputable media seriously believed that the Internet would never become truly popular. The largest media experts confidently said that their audience would never want to …

Starting Your Own Business? Venture Capital Questions – To VC or Not VC?

Of course nothing to do with Shakespeare, but an old question nevertheless. If you are starting up a new business, or expanding your current one, should you partner with an investor/VC? If you do what should you expect? The choice depends on your ambition and the success depends on your partner of choice.

From an investor’s point of view, the next 4-5 years represents an excellent recruitment market window. The market is far from buoyant but the sentiment is on an upwards curve. Like buying a house, no-one wants to buy at the peak of the market or at the bottom of a lifeless trough. But catch the market as it’s rumbling into life and you’re on to a winner. If it’s good timing for investors to get back into growth mode it’s an ideal time for business owners.


Are you ambitious? Of course you are. You …

3 Important Decisions For Retirement

Most people join the working world in their 20’s. After this, they will take on countless challenges and many years of working hard. They will sacrifice many things when they become parents and will look forward to their golden retirement years. Most people only really consider what their retirement plans are when they are well into their 50’s.

3 Important Decisions For Retirement

What most people fail to realize is that planning for the day of retirement is about much more than sipping coffee on the verandah. When thinking of retirement there are several key questions which would need answering, long before the day arrives when you finally leave work for the last time.

Here are a few things you will need to consider before you finally retire:

Planning Is Essential

Retirement is the perfect time to start thinking about what you want. If you’re lucky you will no longer be responsible for children and …

Finance Recruiters, What to Do When You Need One

When many people hear of recruiters they immediately start getting nervous. Looking for employment can be a nerve racking experience. You may be unsure of what they are going to ask you or whether your resume is impressive enough. Recruiters are generally professionals whose services are contracted by companies that are looking for people to fill positions. They look for the most suitable candidates to fulfill their clients’ needs.

Finance Recruiters, What to Do When You Need One

Candidates can also use head hunters to develop their careers. Finance recruiters just like any other type out there will test your ability and willingness to be controlled throughout the recruitment process. If they feel that you are being difficult they will not hesitate to take you off the list. They are qualified in the various fields of recruitment like resume tips, salary negotiation techniques and other job hunting skills.

When you are dealing with finance recruiters, it is important to …

Importance of a Good Marketing Strategy for Financial Advisors

Like in all businesses marketing is an essential part which must not be overlooked by an individual consultant. If you are a financial planning firm or an individual financial adviser, marketing is very important for you to have a substantial promotional strategy in place. With the increased amount of competitiveness if you are not building your markets from time to time very soon you might be left behind in the business.

Most of the finance advisers do not invest in marketing; however few of the advisers make little effort towards marketing which does not help much in fetching the results as expected and eventually they stop marketing themselves at all, thinking it just doesn’t work for them. On the contrary you must understand that marketing is all about creating and branding, mixed with great communication and off course followed by consistent doses of quality, value for money and …